
Why you lose motivation after starting a project. By Sharnetha Roberson

woman wearing collared top
Photo by Valeria Ushakova on Pexels.comW

It’s happened to you before. In the comfort of your home at night, you’ve laid out
your plans for the rest of your life. You’re going to lose 50 lbs, start a successful
online business, make millions, and finally find the partner of your dreams. Then the
sun comes up, and all that certainty and motivation starts to waver.
You put your plan into action for a day or two and decide you’re miserable.

You think that you’d rather stick with your mediocre life than pursue all of those goals.
Motivation is challenging to maintain after the initial excitement wears off.

Here’s why:

1. Planning is fun. You’re lying on the couch on a lazy evening and dreaming about
the fantastic body you’re going to have or all the zeros you’ll be adding to your
bank account. The path is as clear as the nose on your face. How can you not be
Everything is easy in your head. It’s not much fun eating your first bowl of
plain oatmeal or working your first night at your second job. Anyone can
daydream and sketch out a plan. The hard part is doing the actual work.

2. Distractions. Since executing your plan is less than glorious each day,
distractions become quite appealing. Netflix, the internet, and playing Crossy
Road on your cell phone are bit more exciting. Distractions can kill dreams If you let them?

3. Too focused on results rather than processes. Results come slowly. This is
especially true at the beginning. It’s not too exciting when you save $100 after a
week or lose 1.7 pounds. If results are the only thing that receive your
attention, you’ll have a hard time staying the course.
Work for a victory each day. You can’t make a lot of progress each day,
but you can adhere to your plan. Feel good that you followed your plan
and your processes today. Get addicted to that positive feeling. The
results are sure to come along.

4. Too concerned with what others think. It’s important to be motivated
internally. If you only want to lose weight to look good to others, or you only
want to make money to impress others, your motivation won’t last.
Reach inside and find a personal reason for chasing your goal. Doing
anything to impress others results in a hollow victory, if you achieve a
victory at all. But do it for yourself, and you’ll feel proud and happy.

5. As an individual we become too focused on the short-term. Instead of dreading how you have to spend
your day, remind yourself of the reward at the end. Remind yourself of how
great you’ll feel when you’re successful. Visualize your success each morning
and evening.

6.You are naturally driven to seek comfort. Our minds and bodies don’t like
discomfort. We’re programmed to be attracted to those things we find
comfortable, whether it’s a nice, warm couch, potato chips, or hanging out with
friends.Your mind is fighting you on some level when you spend your time doing something unenjoyable. To counteract this, find something you like about
your new routine and focus on that.

What are your plans for the future? Are you finally going to make them happen?
Maintaining your motivation is important.
Always remember to learn to celebrate the “small wins” regarding your behavior.

Internal motivation will always beat external motivation over longer periods of time. That initial burst of excitement fades quickly but stay the course and success will be yours.




How to keep your vibrations high and ways to cope with the stress of COVID19

woman in orange long sleeve shirt peeling potato
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

(Disclaimer: these are some of the things I do to cope and keep my vibrations high,I am not a doctor,please seek professional help for further support)

Yesss, I know the COVID19 has the whole world on pause and it seems everyday were bombarded with constant updates and news about the virus and how it’s getting worse;instead of better. It seems there is no escape what is being named our new normal for awhile.

Here are a few ways to keep your vibrations high and cope with the COVID 19 virus

  1. Whatever your normal was try to maintain that;just tweak it a bit. Take precaution with your health and the health of your family and others.
  2. Stay focused and do not move in fear. A fear mind set causes irrational/catastrophic thinking.
  3. Travel only outside your home to re-stock on needed life essentials and fresh air.
  4. keep a journal and not just any journal create a “Sincere gratitude journal” of people,places,and things your sincerely grateful for right now.
  5. Begin writing letters to the one’s you love instead of text.
  6. join a book club or purchase books online and create a new world through reading
  7. create a calming home environment with the use of preferred scented candles and Arometherapy such as lemongrass,peppermint oil,eucalyptus oil,lavendar,etc
  8. Use a “Himalayan Salt lamp” to keep your home air purified and soothing.
  9. Purchase a “Weighted Blanket” For anxiety or chronic pain symtoms
  10. Find your passion and create a side hustle while practicing social distancing
  11. Wear comfortable clothing
  12. Eat healthy
  13. Do not entertain or involve yourself in negative gossip or comments of others.
  14. While shopping,if there is a person with less items let them go first. The line will move faster that way.
  15. Share positive words of encouragement or stories as it comes to you
  16. Create fun activities to do with your family that you all will agree on
  17. Watch new shows or your favorite movie genre
  18. Paint or draw
  19. Sleep to reset your body and mind
  20. Remember protect your energy and spread love and peace.



How 2 Cope Through Journaling

Hey everyone,Its been awhile,However Its been a journey for me.

I’m sure I have lost many followers,However,I am determined to move on and gain new one’s.

Today, I will discuss how journaling has helped me to cope with things and how it can help you to cope with everything going on in your life as well.

I will do the bullet point method so that,you can read quickly and grasp the concept easily,ok.

Let’s begin….

☺Journaling is a great way to have that special,dreamy friend but that friend is your notebook,diary or journal.Whatever, you like to call, it is fine.

☺To journal you don’t need a teacher or know any special writing technique to write.You just write whatever,comes through your mind;simple as that.

☺Do not worry about what someone may feel or say,grammar,etc. This is your special uncensored place. To feel your truth.

☺Writing is like talking to god (those that are spiritual). I have hundreds of diaries or journals. Sometimes,I write for days ;sometimes non at all for weeks or months. And guess what? That is ok.

🤗Journaling is totally all therapeutic.

Sometimes,I read what I write,sometimes I dont.

😇Journaling is healing,de-stressor for the brain and helps release your brain from thoughts you would normally try to force yourself to remember.

I have a notebook or journal with a smooth writing pen,everywhere.

📖I have one in my bed

📖I have one in the bathroom

📖I have one in the kitchen

📖I have One on my table

📖I carry one in my backpack or bag

📃I do this so I don’t forget and try to force myself to remember things,I know for certain I would. And I do it to take care of my brain that we often times overly use.

📃Also, some journals I do not complete. I don’t complete certain journals because I feel that particular phase or moment has ended and that’s that.

📃✒Honestly, I use to feel obligated to complete a journal. No! If you feel you are done and would like to close that chapter within that journal;feel free to do so,no pressure.

✒Happy #journaling n healing☺

Feel free to comment,follow,or like this post.

Until next time,keep writing🤗

😉 My story…                   The Journey of My Soul

☺Hello, and welcome new n current followers to my wordpress blog:

 The Writers Healing Room:

 I have been gone for a few months due to Emergency surgery. 

We will chat about that on my next 

Blog. However, for those that don’t know …

I am author, Sharnetha Roberson

Of the poectic expressions book, The Journey Of My Soul… I wrote this book in 2004 while pregnant with my first born. 

My purpose for writing my book was to express poetically the pain I was going through living with major Depressive Illness, anxiety n trauma. And to let others know their not alone. 

Since writing this book over 13 years ago my illness has evolved and I have been given several diagnoses. 

My mental health has also affected my physical health as well. 

To know more about me and my journey towards wellness feel free to follow this blog the writers healing room and I am also available on

Instagram: @Sharn_newyork_strong2017

Excerpt from my 2004 debut book, 

“The Journey Of My Soul”



“Comfort Zone”

I hide myself beneath the covers of my bed. 

Iam safe here. 

I lay here all day in a fetal position

Wishing my emotional pain would go away. 

The pain never leaves because I always give “it” permission to stay. 

I don’t want to always live my life this way. 

I do not make the rules though

A chemical in my brain does. 

My body and mind feels like dead, raw meat that contains poison. 

No life to give to myself

No life to give to others. 

©2004 Sharnetha Roberson

I would really love to hear from my followers… 

You may purchase an autograph copy of my book The Journey Of My soul directly from me personally by DM on my IG page. 

My silent Prayer

All followers a moment of silent prayer with me…

Dear lord: 
I come to you on today and everyday in truth, suffering,pain as well as joy. 
I never know which way my mi d will take ;yet you show me the way day by day. 
I ask that you heal me, my loved one’s and this world. Your word is stronger than anything man on earth can produce. 
Shield us in your son’s blood oh lord. Watch over our children lord;
Help us parents to continue to raise our children up in the way they should go and may they never-ever depart from it. 
We may fall oh god. However, you always raise us up in the name of your son, jesus.
I come to you each day in all humility and imperfect ways. 
I pray everyday that you heal me and continue to use me as a vessel oh god. And continue to shed a light to those that are lost in great darkness
In jesus name, amen. 

5- Ways To Emotionally Cleanse Yourself Right Now.

I always seem to have something on my mind

And I ruminiate on things I can’t change. 

Below are 5-waysthat I am learning to…remember I said learning to Emotionally cleanse Yourself.

1. Stop being so hard on yourself, ok you didn’t get everything from the supermarket;look on the bright side…you got something;right.

2. Take a break from social media( do a social media cleanse) trust me, you wont miss much because you were fine back in the day with a tube tv, no cable,no wifi, etc. Go to the library and read a good book. Or magazine.

3. Excercise in moderation. Everything on tv and social media is not real. Excercise for you and your health;no one else.

4. You time! Yes,being alone and getting to know one’s self is a great way to better yourself;and know what you want in or out of your life.

5. Leeches: leeches are what I call the naysayers, positive energy stealer, haters that suck on your life and steal your joy and don’t support your hopes and dreams. These type of people you don’t need in your life. Remember, one person can’t fulfill all your needs. So don’t expect the individual to. This way you will have less let down’s in your life.

©2017-Sharnetha Roberson