Push thru…

I worked n volunteered my entire life going through the motions of being alive…Now Moment to moment…

 Day by day I am living my life on my terms. It has not been easy. I have some really challenging days as a mom, mental health professional, and author.

The roads I’m traveling are very rocky However, I continue to cope through expressive writing,volunteering, telling my story of mental health n chronic pain. So I awaken while in pain and say say “Chin-up and I am pressing on.

 I want the same for you.
Use pain or defeat as your catalyst.

Trust me,this journey is not going to be easy,However it’s doable. 

I appreciate the lijes,However, when you follow you will continue to be inspired through my process.


-sharnetha Roberson

Author/Mental Health Speaker and peer specialist

A Bitch Named Pain

​A Bitch Named Pain

By Sharnetha Roberson

Crying every night, in a fetal position often asking the question why?

My brain and body hurts soo very bad.

I have tried all the meds known to man;

Nothing stops “it”


I want to awaken upon the rising of the sun with appreciation.

I want to jog n run.

It hurts in the day…it hurts in the night

Like being covered in cement….no air…no life.

The pain has taken away my slumber(physically) 


Thinking of ways to silence this life,

Jesus Christ.

©2016Sharnetha Roberson
About the author:

Sharnetha Roberson is an author and NewYork state mental health survivor /speaker.

She suffers with pain and bi-polar depression everyday.

What Not To Say To Someone With Mental Health Challenges?


As  an Individual,mother,and women that lives with and battles  mental health and chronic physical pain every day for  years, I have heard some of the most unbelieveable things from others such as …

“You think you have it bad;someone has it much worst!”

Wow! now along with the unexplaineable emotional feelings you have going on inside your mind,now you have to take on the whole world’s distress as well. Now the individual that has made this statement does not understand the new concern they have planted in your head now. Not only are they saying to you,you have the audacity to complain or be depressed;they are saying your feelings dont matter and you need to play God and oversee the entire world’s distress and issues.

Depression is not just I am sad. Sadness is not depression or any other mental health illness. I am not going to break down what it is and what it is not because you can goggle the illness. Insensitivity and misunderstanding can be a couple reasons why society is still living in a fog.

Some other statements below can actually cause emotional harm as well…

“No one said life is easy!”

“Stop being lazy!”

“Pull yourself up from your bootstraps”!

“Arent you always depressed?”

Individuals living with mental health issues are not wanting sympathy or pity; we want understanding and compassion. 




Re-Focus On The Here&Now by Sharnetha Roberson


In today’s world, there is so much going on that we focus too much on the tomorrow or the future. There is no tomorrow or future unless you live in the here and now.

Were given only one life, and if we continue to focus on the things that don’t matter.

For example: Other’s opinion then were wasting the “Here and Now”
Trust me, I’m working on this as well and little by little I am getting it.

Be True,Be You! by Sharnetha Roberson


This blog will be short and sweet.
Social media and some individuals in our everyday lives are just getting out of control;don’t you think?trying to tell you how to look,how to feel, who to love,where to live.

Some people these days are just following negative social media media trends. Social media is what you create of it. Everything you may hear or see is not all accurate. Believe it or not these same people’s energy whether in your life or not is making you unmotivated,physically sick,creating doubt within you and  keeping your life staggnant.

But only if you allow this environment though;we all have choices of people we want to co-exist in our world. Trust me, everyone has a few “Life-Suckers”) katching on like leeches sucking your life’s blood.

Now your saying,”where do I fit in as a creative,compassion,empathetic,
loving person that is authentic and  currently lives in a world that breeds on the superficial?

(Trust me-You fit just fine!)

Your healing begins within your authentic self. No one can do what you do in your way.

Re-learn to Let go of the baggage and free yourself of all guilt, shame, missed chances, lost loves,etc.

Once you heal yourself and find your content space in your life, then you can be freed up to help some one else in need.

This is life for me in this order:

+God first

#Self Work:
In your journal:
Ask yourself, what is blocking your healing and your blessing at this moment? Don’t rush to answer; breathe n take a moment.

How ToBuild,Encourage,And Promote Positive Reinforcement With Your Students Every day.

by Sharnetha Roberson


In today’s world students are more pressed to succeed academically than the students of previous years. Students and teachers are with one another all day everyday.The class environment can be very stressful.

As a teachers assistant, I have seen it all in the classroom from teacher melt downs to student melt downs. Your Students are not perfect they will have days they do work and days they give you a struggle or a hard time.
Teaching is not an easy job;However, can be fulfilling if this is one’s passion.

Sometimes as teachers we focus more on the paper work, teaching, and forget to provide positive reinforcement to the students.

It’s important to remember, that some students may come from various environments. Some disadvantaged homes, single parent environment, only child environment,etc. So it can be various reasons why a student may not be performing

academically well or acting out. So, As teachers, we must come into this career with compassion and understanding.


Below are words of encouragement and tips I used as a teacher’s Assistant to promote a healthy teacher/student relationship and less classroom stress.

#Smile and create an ice breaker for the morning before the “Do now!”

# Create a ” How are you feeling,”  or How was your weekend?,writing assignment.
(One or two paragraphs only! ) Just a little something to know your thinking of them.

#Praise student when doing well… Wow! you did remember the lesson, that’s great! or Excellent job! Fantastic Work!

#Listen to your student

#Encourage your student when student feels overwhelmed

#Request from your principle a movie accommodation hour or so for your class.

# This is one of my personal favorites I used:

Send home Hand written special notes to the students parent about their positive
achievement n progress. Principals can do this as well. this will promote parent engagement and communication, as well as keep your student feeling accomplished
and continue to work smart.
Again provide a comfortable supportive teaching environment and you will get better learning performance from your students.

Author, Sharnetha Roberson
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